A smooth and complete cash register system.

After a long working day, all the necessary cash reports are ready for you . Do you lose a lot of time at the checkout? Do you often have little or no desire to do your accounting? Do you spend a lot of money on an accountant? Then invest in an all-in-one cash register for your salon. This way, you can settle your bills quickly, you have a lot less administration to do and you save on accounting costs. Music to your ears, right?

Let customers make their own reservations.

With Optios, your customers book their appointments themselves online, 24 hours a day. Do you waste too much time on the phone? Are your customers often kept waiting? Are you inundated with messages every day? If the answer is yes, then we're guessing that something is going wrong with your schedule from time to time. With online reservations, you can be reached anytime, anywhere, without having to give up your day off. Now that's service.

Amazing product management

The stock is sometimes a bit chaotic. With Optios, you know exactly when to order extra, or what a customer in front of you has already bought. No need to count inventory: just scan your products in and out, and your updated inventory is ready in a click. With Optios' convenient stock management, you can really get the most out of your product sales. Because from now on, your stock is updated automatically. Handy, isn't it?